Covenant Agreement

Gatehouse Ministries, Inc. is a home away from home, dedicated to helping MKs adjust to life in North America, especially for those whose parents are still working overseas. Gatehouse exists for people who are “between cultures” an are facing a form of culture shock and adjustment to college life in the US. Gatehouse is an independent non-profit ministry supported completely by private donations.

Gatehouse is much more than a dorm. The primary purpose of Gatehouse is “to provide a nurturing environment of challenge, growth, and potential for college-age TCKs”. We are with “nuts and bolts” stuff like getting a driver’s license or a car, getting a job, figuring out what to do over the summer, registering to vote, filling out income tax forms, etc… stuff you may not know how to do yet because you grew up overseas! We celebrate birthdays and holidays together; we do monthly excursions, water days at the lake, and occasional game night and other events at the house. All of this is part of living at Gatehouse and each resident is expected to participate. There are house parents who understand some of the extra challenges you may face being a TCK. Also, there are your Gatehouse MK sisters and brothers who are also there to help and support you. In addition to all the benefits of living here you will be expected to do the following things, which typically amounts to around 5 hours per week:

  • Help with dinner prep or dinner cleanup, usually 2 or 3 times a week. We only serve a “family dinner” Monday through Friday and the rest of your meals will be your responsibility; you do have full access to the pantry, kitchen, and refrigerator.
  • Participate in a weekly “work hours” to clean the house, mow the lawn, and do stuff that needs doing around the house.
  • Participate in a weekly 1-hour “house meeting” where we pray and encourage one another — in addition to making plans and solving problems.
  • Being involved in some kind of ministry outside of the house on the weekend or during the week (e.g. work in a church, teach SS, tutoring or something else of the nature).
  • Attend all the monthly events (usually a 4- to 6-hour excursion, once per month).

A secondary purpose of Gatehouse Ministries is to provide a low-cost housing alternative for TCKs, thus saving significant college tuition costs.

Students must adhere to the following criteria:

I) While living at Gatehouse, I will:
a) go to school full-time
b) go to school part-time and be employed part-time or
c) be employed full-time (at least 33 hours/week).

II) The cost of living in Gatehouse during the 2024-25 school year is $800 per semester plus a $100 refundable deposit for a total annual cost of $1,700. Accordingly, I will submit a non-refundable deposit of $200 by April 15, 2024 (or after acceptance) that will be credited toward my totall Fall semester fee of $900, the balance which is due when I move into Gatehouse in August 2024. I understand that $100 of this fee is a refundable deposit that I will receive upon my departure from Gatehouse, provided I have caused no damage.

III) I will apply for continued residency each semester. Dates will be announced. I will be willing to meet with the directors at least once a semester for self-evaluations.

IV) As a condition of the benefits of living at Gatehouse I will gladly contribute about 5 work hours per week under the direction of the house parents. (Applications for Continued Residency will be distributed only to those who do their share and participate in “life in the house”.)

V) I will refrain from smoking, drinking, and the use of drugs other than for medical conditions.

VI) I will follow the Guidelines set up for Gatehouse Ministries, Inc.

VII) I will participate fully in hose meetings once a week, major house events and all MK events.

VIII) I understand that the Gatehouse Ministries staff reserves the right to communicate with my parents.

By signing the Resident Application form, you agree to teh principles set forth in this covenant agreement. You agree to strive to be part of and contribute to the spirit of family life at Gatehouse Minsitries, Inc. You understand that the violation of the terms of this covenant agreement and/or the Residents’ Guidelines may cause termination of your residence at Gatehouse. You release Gatehouse Ministries, Inc. from any liability with regard to your person or possessions. The implementation of these guidelines may vary on an individual basis at the discretion of the staff.